One of the jobs that I use frequently is to purge out old systems from the management center using SQL based on a date\time stamp. Below is a script that will do this and purge out devices older than 30 days.
SET NOCOUNT ON -- Set this to the number of days since the last poll. DECLARE @oldestDate DATETIME SET @oldestDate = DATEADD (dd, -30, GETDATE()) DECLARE @msg NVARCHAR(256) SET @msg = 'Deleting machines older than ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32), @oldestDate) PRINT @msg DECLARE @machineCount INT DECLARE @machineKey UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @machineName NVARCHAR(256) DECLARE machineCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT MachinePK, NetBiosName FROM Machines WHERE LastPollTime <= @oldestDate OPEN machineCursor SET @machineCount = 0 FETCH NEXT FROM machineCursor INTO @machineKey, @machineName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS =0 BEGIN PRINT 'Deleting ' + @machineName + '...' EXEC Machine_Delete @machineKey SET @machineCount = @machineCount + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM machineCursor INTO @machineKey, @machineName END CLOSE machineCursor DEALLOCATE machineCursor SET @msg = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32), @machineCount) + ' machines were found and deleted' PRINT @msg
Another use case I ran into, was when we had devices with no poll period. The above script does nothing with those. Since we disable LDAP device discovery, I wanted to purge out many of those systems that appeared in the console.
To do this I initially created a query to find out how many devices would appear on the list, and to determine if\how I should break up the list even more. Keep in mind that depending on how many records there are, when you go to delete, you can run into locks, so I find it best to purge in batches.
Using the script I posted above, I modify it slightly. Also note that I have added a comment above the EXEC deletion command. If you want to give it a dry run, just comment out the EXEC line.
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @msg NVARCHAR(256) SET @msg = 'Deleting machines that have no poll data.' PRINT @msg DECLARE @machineCount INT DECLARE @machineKey UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @machineName NVARCHAR(256) DECLARE machineCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT MachinePK, NetBiosName FROM Machines WHERE LastPollTime IS NULL OPEN machineCursor SET @machineCount = 0 FETCH NEXT FROM machineCursor INTO @machineKey, @machineName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS =0 BEGIN PRINT 'Deleting ' + @machineName + '...' -- Comment out the line below if you wanted to give it a dry run. EXEC Machine_Delete @machineKey SET @machineCount = @machineCount + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM machineCursor INTO @machineKey, @machineName END CLOSE machineCursor DEALLOCATE machineCursor SET @msg = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32), @machineCount) + ' machines were found and deleted' PRINT @msg
As always, ensure you have a good backup of any existing data before making changes to the system.
Hope this helps!