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During one of my latest Windows Health Analysis, I had some systems fail the Boot Optimization Completion task. The specific reason for the rule failure was a registry key the test didn’t understand.

Utilizing iVanti’s Endpoint Manager (formerly LDMS) I added two registry keys to my custom inventory and created reports\queries to show me the output for the health of the enterprise as a whole. The two registry keys I was monitoring are:




Overall the environment was healthy, but about 130 devices came back with a “Missing Registry Entries” in the OptimizeError key value. MS didn’t provide any valuable data to me as to what this could mean. Instead they suggested I run xbootmgr.exe -trace Boot -prepSystem and then see if it fixed the issue, which it didn’t.

To resolve the issue, we used iVanti’s Endpoint Manager to push out a distribution task that resolve the issue using the steps below. To simplify, especially for those not fortunate enough to be using Endpoint Manager, I’ve combined the commands in PowerShell below.


Step 1: Ensure Superfetch Service is started


Start-Service "Superfetch"


Step 2: Force Idle Tasks to run (This normally occurs about every 3 days)


Start-Process -wait "C:\Windows\System32\Rundll32.exe" "advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks"


Step 3: Wait for 20 minutes. This is a rough estimation on how long the above will process. 
    It could take anywhere from 10-60 minutes. You can adjust this as needed or simply hit most
    of the devices and let the normal processes continue to run its course. The time is in seconds.


Start-Sleep -s 1200


Step 4: Run the degrag with the /B option


Start-Process -wait "C:\Windows\System32\defrag.exe" "/B"

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